While this community mostly deals with content creation, and how we all can be better at what we do in that regard – it is also fun to show off some projects that we’ve done.
And, this is one of those projects.
Skandranon and myself have been playing a fair bit of Elite:Dangerous lately. And in the game, we’re part of a Faction that owns a solar system. Well, before we started playing again, a long time passed – and another faction took over our system.
There has been a full on war, ever since we got back to the game. And that led to the writing of some lyrics, and the recording of a song. With some production, of course.
We even made a video.
Voice-over by Elite Dangerous LEGEND Commander Wotherspoon. o7, commander. Thank you.
If you wish to hear the song without the amazing voice-over by Peter Wotherspoon, we have several formats made for download. For now, we’ll just say that the .mp3 file is here:
The original song is composed and written by Joseph Trapanese and Sneha Koorse for the Netflix Original show – The Witcher.
Our version is based on that, and the words are written by Skandranon. Vocals by Skandranon and Ramforth. Musical instruments and arrangement by Ramforth.
Video edited by Ramforth. In-game footage used in video was recorded by Nocti and Skandranon. Game is made by Frontier.